
A digital/crypto wallet is an application or hardware device that allows individuals or parties to store and transfer digital assets such as cryptocurrencies or NFTs. In order to utilize certain functions such as Staking and other DeFi features, you will need to create a digital wallet and connect to our platform.

How does a wallet work?

When you download a digital wallet, you will receive two sets of digital keys; A public key and a private key. Most hardware and software wallets have been developed so that the users can utilize all these without much technical knowledge.

Private Key (Recovery Seed)

  • This is the most important password to access wallet. We can't stress enough how important this is and you must at all costs not lose it. You can use this code to restore any wallet from anywhere, so if someone else has this, your wallet is basically gone.

  • You must store this very safely and most applications provide a recovery seed in case you lose your private key. We highly recommend to store it physically as storing it digitally can be exposed if any of your accounts are broken into.

Public Key

  • This is a public facing key that other people can use to send digital assets to your wallet.

Getting started

There are many types of wallets, each have their unique features and advantages.

  • Hardware wallets: Ledger, Trezor, Safepal, etc

  • Download software wallet: at FUFU we allow you to connect with Metamask. But we are exploring to add other wallets such as Trustwallet, Safepal, etc in the future.

  • Exchange wallets: Exchanges provide wallets such as Binance, FTX, but they have limited connectivity to certain platforms.

It is important to note that each wallet my support different blockchains/networks. Please make sure the wallet you are using supports the assets from the blockchain you want. FUFU is on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Metamask supports this network. But you will have to add the network manually.

Last updated