
Anyone can enjoy the quizzes without signing up to UwUFUFU. However if you wish to create quizzes and NFTs, climb the leaderboard and later receive rewards when the Reward System is launched, we highly recommend you to sign up.

Your profile will be publicly viewable to all users if you choose to when creating quizzes and posting comments. When the reward system is launched, other users will also be able to view your profile and see your items.

Edit profile

You can edit your profile by clicking your profile picture on the top right corner. This shows the drop-down menu and you can click "User Settings".

You can change your profile picture, First Name and Last Name as well as your User Name.

For those who have a wallet and wish to use blockchain features, you can connect your wallet. Only one wallet account can be synced with an email account, and it cannot be changed later.

If you wish to log out, you can simply click "Log Out" from the drop-down menu.

Last updated