📹UwUFUFU Videos
The Content Portal was successfully launched early December and we already have over 100 videos of creators playing UwUFUFU.
Thousands of creators are enjoying playing UwUFUFU quizzes, be it on Twitch, YouTube or even our Instagram filters.
YouTubers love UwUFUFU
For now we have enabled it so that anyone can share YouTube videos of creators playing the quizzes.
This is not only a great way to promote the quiz you have created, it is also great for creators to get new viewers and fans of their channels.
Here are just some of the awesome videos:
Easy to upload videos
Anyone can submit a video to be shown.
Click the ‘Submit a video’ button.
Then simply paste the YouTube URL of the video and press ‘Submit’
And that’s it! So easy anyone can do it.
The videos need to be approved by the UwUFUFU team as we don’t want any random videos.
So go ahead and post your video of you playing one of our thousands of awesome quizzes!
Last updated